Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Oct. 21, 2009

Lou Ann & I met Dr Pruitt on Tuesday. Dr Pruitt is her oncologist. He seems to be a very a knowledgeable and caring doctor. After going through her history and reports he explained to her that her cancer is stage 2 with a grade 3 rating. Stage 2 is an overview of how large and the spread of the cancer. Grade 3 is a grading system that tells the malignancy of the cancer, this is on a scale of 1 - 2 - 3. 3 is full malignant. They said that the 52 lymph nodes removed from her right axillary region is close to a record number for the area that was removed. Everyone told her that she must be very vascular. She was explained what HER 2 protein was and how it used to not be good, since it is very aggressive. Now it seems to be OK if it show up, with the new meds now available for treatment.
Treatment protocol for Lou Ann will be Chemo that is made up of Taxotere, Carboplatin and Herceptin (antibody). The Herceptin is used to treat the HER 2 protein. Chemo will be used every 3 weeks for 6 treatments. Herceptin will be continued every 3 weeks for a full year. This treatment will begin after a port is put in. Lou Ann should find out tomorrow when her port is to be placed. We hope next week. This will be done in day surgery. She will also have a CAT scan of her chest and a bone scan sometime soon to in confirm that the cancer was all contained in the right breast & axillary area, as already determined & surgically treated.
As with any medications there are some side effects involved. Herceptin can affect the ejection factor of the heart. Lou Ann will have a cardiac ECHO every three months during her treatment. Other side effects are the hair loss, nausea, fatigue, anemia and neutropenia (low white blood cells). There are other side effects that could occur also. I know that she will kick these and do very well. She is a very strong lady that keeps her eyes on success and mostly on her 2 fantastic children.
We have been truly blessed in our lives and God is showing us by the outpouring of love shown to us by friends and family.
I was telling a patient of mine today about Lou Ann's strength. "I know how tough my wife is now, I dread to see how tough she will be after chemo." He said, "will she be ready for the Marines?" I told him, "the Marines will have nothing on toughness, compared to what my wife will have!"

1 comment:

  1. Lou Ann, it sounds like there is a battle plan now,and you are ready for the fight. You are such a beautiful woman, full of strength and courage, I admire you so much! I know the Lord sees you and loves you, He will hold you and walk with you through this. With Him, your family, and friends, you most certainly will not walk through it alone.........Thanks for the Blog, many will Watch and Pray. Love, Mickey
